Importance of Watching Your Skin for Changes

4 Ways To Take Great Care Of Your Skin This Fall

With the change in seasons from summer to fall, it is time to examine your skin care routine and make some changes. As the weather changes, it is important to change your skin care routine. Fall weather brings pleasant temperatures combined with colder chilly days that require some changes in your skin care routine.  

Skip the Long, Hot Showers

As the weather slowly gets colder as fall progresses, the air tends to get drier. As the air gets drier, so does your skin. As your skin gets dryer, it is prone to cracking, itchiness and redness. One way to treat your skin kindly is by not taking really hot showers or baths which can further dry out your face. Instead, take lukewarm showers or baths.  

If you really enjoy the hot water, turn it on for just a few minutes, then turn the heat down to protect your skin. 

Use Lots of Moisturizer

As stated above, fall tends to be drier and less humid than summer. The dryer environment during the fall can remove the moisture from your skin, which makes moisturizing more important than ever. When you get ready in the morning, or after you shower and bathe, you should apply moisturizer to your entire body. Oil-based moisturizers are better for your skin during the fall and winter months, as they will help your skin retain more moisture.  

Keep Using Sunscreen

Just because the weather is getting cooler outside doesn't mean that you should skip on the sunscreen. You should continue to wear sunscreen on a year-round basis. The sun is just as intense now in the fall as it is in the summer, and just as capable of causing skin cancer and causing your skin to age prematurely. Don't put your sunscreen away just because summer is over. 

Use Thick Hand Cream

Not only is it drier outside in the fall, with flu season on the horizon, handwashing season is also starting. Washing your hands frequently throughout the day can really dry out your skin, so make sure that you use a nice, thick moisturizing cream on your hands in between handwashes to protect the softness of your skin.  

Use that thick hand cream on your elbows and feet at night as well, as those two areas of your body are also prone to dry skin during the fall and winter months. 

Take care of your skin this fall but cutting back on hot showers, and increasing your use of moisturizing lotion. Remember to keep wearing your sunscreen, and if you have more specific skin care questions, talk to your dermatology expert.