Importance of Watching Your Skin for Changes

Have A Laser Hair Removal Treatment So You Can Stop Being Bothered By Unwanted Facial Hair

If you're bothered by hair growing on your upper lip or chin, you probably take care to shave it every day. That can be a hassle, and if you forget to shave, you might be embarrassed when you're out in public and you think other people have noticed your facial hair.

A solution to consider is cosmetic laser hair removal. You can have laser hair removal done on facial hair safely, and then you won't have to worry about shaving or getting caught in public when you feel you don't look your best. Here's what to expect with a laser treatment.

A Laser Treatment Goes Fairly Fast

Since facial hair doesn't cover a very large area when compared to your back or legs, the process goes fairly fast. You may need to follow instructions before the day of your treatment such as not applying cosmetics or shaving the night before. Your skin care professional will tell you everything you need to know concerning preparations during your initial evaluation.

The treatment is done in the spa, clinic, or dermatologist's office by a licensed medical professional. You'll both wear protective glasses so your eyes won't be harmed by the laser. The area to be treated is usually marked so the practitioner eliminates all the hairs exactly where you want.

The laser treatment is administered with a wand device, and you might hear noises, smell hair burning, and feel pinches when the laser zaps your skin. Analgesic cream might be applied to your skin first so you have minimal discomfort.

What To Expect After Cosmetic Laser Hair Removal

Your skin will probably be red right after the treatment. However, you can usually resume your normal activities as long as you can stay out of the sun. Any swelling, discomfort, or redness you have should clear up in just a few days. Since the skin on your face is visible and difficult to hide, talk to your practitioner about the need to take time off from work and when you can apply cosmetics.

When You'll See Results

You should notice fewer hairs right away. One thing to keep in mind is that your hairs are in different growing stages, so you may not see completely smooth skin after a single treatment. Plus, it may take a few days for some hairs that were zapped to fall out.

The skin care professional will advise you on whether there is a need for follow-up treatments. Once your skin is smooth and hairs stop growing in, you may still need a touchup now and then. You might also notice if some hairs grow back that they're thinner and lighter so they're less noticeable.